I choose this because I fell on vacations since now jjj
The last year I went to Spain because I won the gran of the university to make a exchange. So, I went to study to Barcelona for 6 months and I stayed 3 more months to visit some places in Europe (buy ticket flight's it's cheap and very common there).
* Read the post listening Paco de Lucia. Please press play :)
So, this adventure started the 24th August of 2017 (it was the first time that I took a flight, I used to travel a lot, but making autostop), I arrived to Madrid (absolutely alone) but a friend of a friend of my father lodged me in his departament in Lavapiés. 10 days later I took the train to Barcelona.
Was crazy to be alone, so alone. I mean, I beg you I'm friendly, but this was completely different. I met some people in the university, but the nights were pure nostalgic (almost all the time, when the beers with partners finished).
But was amaizing the cospolitan experience and when the semester was over, I traveled with Rebeca and Daniela, my peruvian friends, and Francesco, which is from Bologna, Italy.
We were in Amsterdam, Vienna and Budapest. Then I continue alone to Venezia, Ferrara and I met Francesco again in Bologna. I really liked Italy so afterward I went to Rome, Nápoli and Pompei. In Spain I visited Sevilla, Granada, Sitges, Girona and Valencia.
I still don't assume that I'm here, so quiet, after being moving so much. I still eclipsed by the museums and the ruins. I saw so many Bosco's :')
I retuned on may, every trip I've had was amaizing. I hope it stays in that way.
in amsterdam are the best parties !